Baguio City Mayor Benjamin Magalong took center stage today at Brent International School Baguio (BISB) for an inspiring address as BISB celebrates Career Week. The assembly, held in the Saint Nicholas Chapel, was well attended by students, parents, faculty, and staff from all grade levels who were eager to hear about the mayor’s own career journey and gain insights into public service. Mr. Dick B. Robbins, President and CEO of Brent Schools, Inc. was also in attendance.

Career Week is an annual event at BISB where professionals from various fields are invited to share their experiences and advice with students. Through the combined efforts of Dr. Celeste Engler and Ms. Almae Caluya, BISB Headmaster and Guidance Counselor Brent International School Baguio respectively, the school was able to invite Mayor Magalong as a highly anticipated guest. He is currently serving his second term as the Mayor of Baguio City and has a long history of community involvement and youth empowerment.

During his speech, Mayor Magalong emphasized the importance of values and integrity, in shaping a successful career. He shared anecdotes from his own life: from being a cadet in the Philippine Military Academy, a ranking official of the Philippine National Police and Mayor of Baguio City. He detailed the challenges he faced and is currently facing and the lessons he learned along the way.

On decision making, the Mayor stressed: “Do not be afraid of the path less taken, even if it is unpopular. Do not make decisions based on the fear of disappointing people. Make decisions based on what you believe is right and just. Be guided by your values, you will never regret the choices you make”

In closing, the mayor left everyone the following message: “Your career is not just about what you achieve; it’s about how you achieve it. It’s about the values you uphold, the principles you stand by, and the legacy you leave behind. So follow your compass and let your values be your guiding star on this incredible career journey.

Dr. Engler expressed gratitude to Mayor Maglong for taking the time to participate in Career Week and inspire the students. A token of gratitude was also given to the Mayor.

At the end of the assembly, students left the chapel inspired by the mayor’s words and eager to explore the many possibilities that lie ahead in their academic and professional journeys. Mayor Maglong left BISB with the warm applause of a grateful community, having left an indelible mark on the young minds of the students.

Career Week has once again proved to be a valuable opportunity for students to gain insights into various professions and learn from accomplished individuals like Mayor Magalong. His message will long be remembered by the students as they set out on their own paths toward successful careers and a brighter future.

– K. Salvador