Dear Brent families,
Here are the following updates for the week:
Dear Parents/ Guardians,
Good day to you all! I hope you are all doing well and in high spirits.
We are pleased to announce the start of House Activities this September 8, THURSDAY.
These will be the practices for the pep rally every Thursday (September 8, 15, 22, 29, and October 6). Please note the following times:
2:45 to 3:30 for lower school students (plus Grade 6) and
3:05 to 4:00 for Middle School and Upper School students
The performance date will be on October 13.
Please refer to the schedule of venues below.
If you (parents, guardians) are present during the rehearsals, you may take your children home from the venue. Otherwise, they will be brought to the pick-up area.
Also, house leaders might also ask you to participate, and this will greatly motivate House teammates to give their best.
Below are the venues assigned for each house on the following dates (Thursdays):
September 8 – Getting to know house members. Trial of the first part of house cheer/dance – Blue house, gym | Red house, Little Theater | Yellow house, chapel
September 15- Blue house, Little Theater | Red house, chapel | Yellow house, gym
September 22 – Blue house, chapel | Red house, gym | Yellow house, Little Theater
September 29 – Blue house gym, 30 minutes then Little theater | Red house, Little theater, 30 minutes then gym | Yellow House, chapel
October 6 – Blue house, chapel | Red house, gym 25 minutes then little theater | Yellow House, Little Theater, 25 minutes then gym
October 13 – Performance day!
More details to come! Thank you so much for your continued enthusiastic support!
2. No classes on September 13, Tuesday. See presidential proclamation #49. Please note that on Wednesday, September 14, we will be following a Day 1 schedule. This is in an effort to maintain alignment with other Brent campuses.
Note: Please note that the PTA General Assembly (previously scheduled on the 13th) is moved to September 14, Wednesday from 2:45-3:45 at the Little Theater. More details to come.
Other updates:
From the IB office | Mr. Paul Engler, Assistant IB Coordinator
Life Skills retreat for Grade 11 and 12 Students:
As we will be going back to a day 1 schedule on Friday after returning from Baguio Day, we will be swapping the Life skills retreat days for the Juniors and Seniors. The Grade 11 students will be having their workshop on Friday, September 2nd (Day 1), and the grade 12 students will have their workshop on Friday, September 9th (Day 2).
Below are photos from the Grade 11 Life Skills retreat held on Friday, September 2. Cheering for our juniors!
Parent Support Session for Grade 12 parents:
You are invited to our Parent Support Session on September 6th from 3:15 to 4:15 pm for a talk on Supporting Your Child in Grade 12. This will be hosted by myself and Almae Caluya (Guidance Counselor).
This is an important event for all Grade 12 parents. Information gained from the presentations and discussions will help us understand the workload and context of our seniors, gather ideas on how to best support them, and be prepared for their college applications.
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, September 6th!
From the Guidance Office| Ms. Almae Caluya, Guidance Counselor
September 5-9 BISB MAP Testing Schedule
Grades 3-10 will be tested for the following subject areas: Reading, Language Use, and Mathematics. Reports and scores will be available for review a few weeks after. I will be sending out another announcement then. Please feel free to look at the following resources for more information on MAP testing:
MAP Testing Information (for families)
MAP Test Overview Slideshow (Parent Information Session, August 30, 8 – 8:45 AM)
The MAP test provides information that we can use to facilitate the learning and growth of students. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send me an email or drop by the Guidance Office.
NHS Baguio Themed Non-Uniform Day | Thank you, NHS, for hosting! (Below is a photo shared by our Grade 12 homeroom class/HR faculty Bb. Nelly and Ms. Donna)
Thank you and have a good week ahead, Bulldogs!
Dr. Celeste R. Engler