Dear Brent families,

It was a great week for all to celebrate BOOKS, WRITERS, and LIFELONG LEARNING!

Thank you to the Book Week Planning team, Ms. Kat Moredo & Ms. Pau Egino, and thanks for the support, Ms. Marjory Alcantara and Ms. Laura Johnson!

  1. Lower School Pool Noodle Party – Well done JCO, Ms. Kat Moredo (JCO Adviser), and the LS faculty team! Thanks to our LS parents, maintenance (Engr. Padayao), and accounting/kitchen staff (Mrs. Caluya) for the support!

President: Kian Miguel Ku

Vice President: Emma Louise Orendain

Secretary:  Olivia Candelaria

Treasurer:  Hayoon Lee


Here’s sharing some photos from Book Week. More photos next week on the LS Readathon.

  1. Book Author Assemblies:

    1. Dr. Luisa Igloria for Grade 10-12

  1. Mrs. Lissa de Guia for Grade 6-9

  1. Dr. Padma Perez for K-5

  1. Visits to Mount Cloud

  1. LS Book Character Parade

  1. Book Trivia ℅ Ms. Pau Egino

  1. Grade 6/7 English class Author/Illustrator Experience- As part of the short story unit, the students had an Author and Illustrator Experience where the Grade 6/7 students shared their short stories with the Grade 8 class on Monday, November 14 at the library. This was just in time and apt for Book Awareness Week! Cheering for our middle school students and thank you, Ms. Marjory Alcantara for the guidance and experience, Mrs. Agnes Mariano (substitute teacher) for facilitating, and Ms. Paulita Egino for the lovely setup!

Other activities:

1. Thursday House Games – Here are the following House Games scheduled until the end of this semester.

November 24

Soccer – All levels

December 1

Rehearsals for Lessons and Carols

December 8


December 15

Ultimate Frisbee – All levels

2. Lessons and Carols Rehearsals Schedule:

Below is the schedule of sectional rehearsals as well as final rehearsals:

November 16, 2022 (Wednesday)

Community Choir

3:00 – 3:45 PM

November 19, 2022 (Saturday)

Orchestra and Community Choir practice

 9:00-10:00- Orchestra

10:00-11:30- Community Choir

November         22 (Tuesday)

Community Choir, Children’s Choir, Ringers, Readers, Orchestra, (final rehearsals)

3:00 – 5:00 PM

                          29 (Tuesday)

All performers and readers (final rehearsals)

3:00 – 5:00 PM

December         1 (Thursday)

All participants (final rehearsals)

3:00 – 5:00 PM

                          4 (Sunday)

All participants (final rehearsals)

Call time:


Lessons and Carols: 7PM

3. Middle School Community Service | SOCIAL SQUAD PROJECT | from Dr. Julie Sibucao

December 8, THURSDAY, 8 a.m.-11:30 AM

Cheering for our Middle School students and faculty!

4. Lower School Production Rehearsals are in full swing! Here is the schedule leading to performance night! More updates are to come from Ms. Kat Moredo, Lower School Head. Cheering for our LS students and faculty!


November 14-December 9- STUCO Reindeer Hunt activity for Middle and Upper School students

19 | Sat | L and C Practice with Dr. Gev at the St. Nicholas Chapel

9-10 a.m. for Orchestra, 10:00-11:30 Community Choir

19 | Sat | GIN Nature Care/Bonfire & Barbecue 2p.m. – POSTPONED

25 | Friday | STUCO activity: LS, MS, and US students

Anything But A Backpack Day

Students will bring anything but a backpack to school to carry their things in. The person with the most creative item will win a prize. There will be three winners, one from Lower School, Middle School, and Upper School.

25|Fri| – Grade 8 Class bonding overnight on campus

26 | Sat|  – BM 11 and 12 Field Trip to Baguio Benguet Community Credit Cooperative (BBCCC) and Good Shepherd’s Mountain Maid Training and Development Foundation Inc (MMTDFI)

29 | Tues|  – PTA Gen Assembly 2:45-3:45, Little Theater

29| Tues | Ganza School Photos

December (some important dates)

December 2, Friday

End of Clubs

December 4, Sunday

Lessons and Carols

December 8, Thursday

Middle School Community Service: Social Squad

December 12-16

Middle School Summative Assessments submission week (Grade 6-8)

December 15, Thursday

Lower School Production

December 14-16

Upper School Exams (Grade 9-12)

Have a safe and restful weekend, Bulldogs!


Dr. Celeste R. Engler

School Principal