Dear parents/guardians and students,
Warm greetings! We hope you and your family had a safe and restful weekend.
With Quarter 1 ending this week, we look forward to the release of the Mid Semester Reports on October 7, Friday, 2;30 p.m., and our Parent Teacher Conferences happening on October 10, Monday from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (No classes will be held on this day).
Our Midsemester Reports and Parent Teacher Conferences (PTCs) are part of the many best practices that we have for building strong relationships and supporting student learning and growth. It is an opportunity to give and receive meaningful and personalized feedback and identify the next steps or set goals towards the end of Semester 1.
Kindly note the following details:
Mid Semester Reports
Grade 4-12 Reports for all students will be printed and released via BASIS on Friday, October 7, 2:30 p.m. Grade 4-12 parents will be asked to fill out an online return slip re: the release of midsem reports (pick up by a parent or student).
K-3 parents will receive printed reports through their child (Assignment Notebook).
Grade 3-10 MAP reports will be printed.
Grade 11 & 12 CAS reports will be printed.
To give accurate feedback, we instituted the following for students in Grades 4-12:
The use of ‘M’ is used for marking MISSING work for students. These marks are seen on BASIS and not on the Mid Semester Report.
Using an ‘M’ when computing the running grade has a significant impact on the average grade. However, the ‘M’ mark can be updated once your child/ward submits his or her missing work or completes any outstanding requirements. For subjects of concern, we highly recommend and encourage you to see your child’s teacher during the PTCs. Faculty have sent follow-up emails to students who have work that is yet to be submitted.
If you have trouble logging into your parent portal or student portal account, please don’t hesitate to contact Mr. Kurt Salvador via email at: Kurt Salvador <kurt.salvador@brentbaguio.
Signing up for Parent Teacher Conferences
Families are given this whole week to sign up. Grades are updated on BASIS.
How to sign up: A student/parent can sign up for a specific time through the student who will sign up with the teacher or by emailing the faculty member.
As an organizing tool, each student will receive a Student Sign Up Sheet tomorrow, Tuesday. Each parent/student will need to keep track of the appointments they’ve made. For example, listing down the times and names of teachers on a separate sheet for their reference.
For parents who can not make it to our PTCs on feel free to arrange for another time with your child’s teacher.
On October 7, Monday, there will be no classes. Instead, you are invited to meet with the teachers of your child for 15-minute Parent-Teacher Conferences (PTCs) by making a prior booking for a time slot between 8 am and 12 noon or 1 pm and 3:30 pm. Faculty sign up sheets are posted outside a teacher’s classroom. PTC locations.
For parents with more than one child and who need assistance in signing up for meet and greet slots, kindly contact Ms. Pia Tuason (Principal’s Office) office via 09662012366, 442-2260 during office hours (7:30-4:30) or email at
We would like to emphasize the value the school sees in these conferences: though these are virtual, they are perhaps the most effective mode of home-to-school communication for helping our students achieve greater success.
Accessing BASIS Instructions on how to access and download the report are below:
Accessing the BASIS Parent Portal Instructions.
Note: Although attendance records appear on the reports, the data was used for monitoring purposes only and not for Perfect Attendance Awards.
Students may also access the Mid Semester Reports through the student portal.
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to meaningful and relationship-building PTCs on October 10, Monday.
Dr. Celeste R. Engler
School Principal