Dear Brent family,

We trust and hope that the Easter Break has been a restful, safe, and enjoyable one for everyone. May the celebration of Easter and its message of hope and grace be with us every day.

We are now in full swing with our Brent@113 celebrations. Here are the following events:

  1. We will be having our Brent Day chapel service tomorrow, Wednesday, April 20 at 7:45 via our Youtube channel.

  1. Spirit Week will be happening next week from April 25-29, Monday to Friday. We invite all members of our Brent community: students, parents, guardians, staff, and faculty to join and share the love! Below are posters prepared by the members of our National Honor Society.

  1. Finally, the highlight of our Brent @ 113 festivities will be the virtual Variety Show on April 29th, Friday at 8 a.m. via Youtube. We have a host of exciting and wonderful acts from many Brentonian performers! As an all-school interactive show, let’s be encouraging and appreciative when we tune in. We will be having a special schedule to accommodate this event – details soon to follow.

Mark the following in your calendar as well:

  1. Lower School Easter Activities

Easter ‘Grams Assembly

To celebrate the hard work and good efforts of our LS students, Lower School will be having an Easter-themed Happy/Meritgrams Assembly this Friday, April 22. The Happygrams and Meritgrams will be printed out and will be handed out to students or picked up at the guardhouse, with a special Easter gift. See you on the LS Assembly Meet link ( ) from 7:45-8:15am!

  1. Other updates:



April 29, Friday

Last day of clubs

April 25-May 6

ESL Level tests

May 3, Tuesday

Eid’l Fitr (tentative: no classes)

May 4, Wednesday

Science Fair Assembly

May 9, Monday

National Elections (No classes)

May 11, Wednesday

CAS Sem 2 chapel

May 12-20

End of semester summative assessment submission dates

May 13, Friday

IT Expo

May 18, Wed

Chapel (end of year chapel)

May 20, Friday

CAS Expo

May 23, Mon

Faculty in-service (no classes)

May 24, Tuesday

Moving up Day Lower School

Half day schedule for all grade levels

May 25, Wednesday

Moving up Day Middle and Upper School

Half day schedule for all grade levels

May 26, Thursday

Baccalaureate Service 9:00 a.m.

Commencement Exercises 10:30 a.m.

Finally, we are now on to the last six weeks of school! Students and parents are encouraged to check grades on BASIS. Here are the instructions: Accessing the BASIS Parent Portal.  We surely want to set everyone up for success as we aim to finish the semester as best we can. We ask our students to make effective use of remedial time/office hours to get caught up with school work and meet with teachers for clarification or assessment guidance.


Gr. 1-11

Day 1- 11 days|

Day 2- 11 days

Note: D/F Academic Status

Gr. 12

Day 1- 7 days |

Day 2- 6 days

More details to be sent out to parents.

Let’s continue to abound in hope –  especially as we celebrate 113 years of Brent and counting!

Stay safe and God bless you all,


Dr. Celeste R. Engler

School Principal