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Brent Bulletin 2021-2022-19


We had a successful trial run of our Hyflex classes last week! Thank you to all our students and parents/guardians for their cooperation and support! We are now ready to start with the final quarter of this school year.  Continue Reading

Brent Bulletin 2021-2022-192022-08-16T08:05:36+08:00



Brent Baguio has canceled the hosting of the MARCH SAT Test Administration. All registered test takers should communicate with SAT ( directly for questions and requests for rescheduling or refund). We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

MARCH SAT CANCELLATION2022-08-16T08:05:42+08:00

BISB Alumni Tops 2022 Sundance Film Festival


Don Josephus Raphael Eblahan, a member of the BISB Class  2015 recently bagged the Short Film Grand Jury Prize at the 2022 Sundance Film Festival held at Park City, Utah, United States from January 20-30, 2022

BISB Alumni Tops 2022 Sundance Film Festival2022-08-16T08:05:57+08:00

Brent Bulletin 2021-2022-18


February is going by so quickly with mid-February just around the corner! Our classes and activities are certainly on high gear as we look forward to the following events: Continue Reading

Brent Bulletin 2021-2022-182022-08-16T08:06:03+08:00

Brent Bulletin 2021-2022-17


We are nearly completing a full month of the second semester, and we are glad that everyone has settled in well with learning and teaching routines and socio-emotional learning strategies. We all are ready and able to keep the momentum and enthusiasm up as well as look forward to and participate in many of our upcoming school activities.
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Brent Bulletin 2021-2022-172022-08-16T08:06:12+08:00

Brent Bulletin 2021-2022-16


We hope that all of you had a good week this week!  On Wednesday, we recognized the academic achievement of our students from Grades 4-12. On Tuesday, we had a LS assembly for our students in Grades 1, 2 and 3 for their merit and happy grams.  Congratulations to all in our Brent community for all your hard work, positive spirit and resilience!
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Brent Bulletin 2021-2022-162022-08-16T08:06:16+08:00
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